Late growth spurt reddit. And from 17-18 what i am now i have hit 5’4.

com We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Then after 11-12, I had a slow and gradual growth spurt. It happens during hormone changes. 6'0. And also, even if you think you're past puberty, a lot of women are still growing well into their twenties. It goes both ways. TIL: Dennis Rodman's height was only 5'6 as a high school freshman and he never made the varsity basketball team. A few of the other owners and i have kept in touch, and it seems hes grown at a slower rate than his littermates, and hes actually 5-10lbs behind them now. So a growth spurt over the course of a year is not just plausible, it's normal. (btw, my dad is 180cm (5'9) and my mum is 149cm (4'11?)) and also, I've tried the Tanner calculation, can't really do it properly because I can't answer a lot Well, just wondering. And from 17-18 what i am now i have hit 5’4. If the pituitary gland doesn't make enough hormones, normal growth slows down or stops. I'm 5'2 with size 9 1/2 feet. That's why late bloomers tend to get a couple of inches. Jun 29, 2020 · For many guys, their biggest growth spurt will be between the ages of 12 to 15. 5 myself but I claim 5’9 anyways at 19. She stopped growing at about 7-8 months old and has stayed right about at 15lbs up until I weighed her today. He grew to be 6 feet 7 inches. My mother asked if I had gotten taller, but she is reaching a “shrinking” age. I used to play basketball for my school when I was a kid and then left the team somewhere around the age of 13. Everyone else is taller than me and i have barley grown. 1K subscribers in the TallTeenagers community. 14 years old), so I think that I may grow more, as I am 17 now. Jan 27, 2015 · As far as growing late goes, not me, but a friend if mine had a late growth spurt around age 19 or 20. So the actual answer is that some people just grow late. My last big growth spurt was when I was between 25-26 that took me from HH-J to KK+ sizes. And even more rarely, we see those with growth stunting conditions hit a violent spurt of up to 6 inches in their early to mid 20's. It varies wildly from person to person. He was 32 pounds for months and now he’s pushing 40, if not more. 5'8″ to 6'6″ (in two years time) 10 inches - Dennis Rodman -- From 5′ 9″ to 6′ 7″ around age 20, 1 years time. Everyone kept waiting for him to become a little tall. 5 at 18 right now lol. About 2 weeks I started feeling symptoms of last years growth spurt but about twice as bad. Growth hormones are usually released during sleep time, so sleep is important. And my growth plates have not fused. Didn't expect it at all because both of my parents are around 5'6" and I didn't exactly treat my body the best during those years, but my maternal grandfather is also 6'3" so it's possible it skipped a generation. I'm starting to feel like I can grow at any moment now. See full list on goodrx. Growth spurts during puberty typically occur between ages 10 to 14 for girls and 12 to 16 for boys, but the timing can vary widely. Maybe she’ll get a late growth spurt. Late growth runs in my family. My official height is now 5' 6" (no cheating with raised heels or a stretched neck) and now at age 29 My growth spurt ended up being about 15 inches in total over about a year and a half. And then the people who are really tall usually didn't have their growth spurt until about 18-21 and grew huge fast. 84 cm at night all barefoot measured my point is never give up sleep is the key to growth I was sleeping 13-15 hours for 4 months every day in the week. I'm currently about 5 foot 11 and 18 years old. I was before 186. 22 now. I've seen late teens on looksmaxing forums buying HGH or MK-677 thinking they will grow taller at 17-18 when its just not gonna happen, you're too late for that. 3 years later, i am shocked to find out that im 5'11 nearly 6ft after meeting up with old friends from high school who were shocked and made a comment on how much i have grown Meanwhile, the child with CGD is still growing at a prepubertal rate (4 to 6 cm per year). Hi guys! This is something I wanted to share here in a while and finally found the time to do it, to be more percise , I will talk about my growth spurt story. My pediatrician actually made me see a growth doctor because of this, and they ran tons of tests. 7 cm in morning and at night I was 183. If the pain is too much take a tylonal every so often. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. The above comment was removed because it is not a boy top-level comment on a post flaired as Boys Only. I've never had a growth spurt before. Havent had some growth since I was 13 but I'm expected to be around 6'2-3. 5 cm in a couple of days. That's quite impossible, 3. Never really had a true 'growth spurt' just slowly grew. Wow that's awesome. Males typically can see growth spurts between 13-18. There was never any hope. I just turned 21 and thought I was done, but I have once again started my annual fall growth spurt lol. 5" on a good day. There is one test that can be used to CVSat 5 see if you are still growing- Bone age test. My new mission is to reach 189-190 cm even If I get to 189. All of my friends were wearing B and C bras, and I was still in training bras, or maybe the occasional A. Girls generally start puberty earlier and experience their biggest growth spurt before menstruation begins, usually peaking around age 12. For example, my father grew up from 5'4" to 5'11 after 16. If you had some lanky nerdy guy or even just a tall average middle aged man with a bit of a beer belly working at Walmart and then you had Zac Efron or Tom Cruise or Cilian Murphy working at Walmart (all below average height), the latter three guys would be a lot more popular socially and with women. Have always been shorter than my peers even though I’m one of the oldest. Puberty can last two to five years. I turned 18 a few months ago. My female cousin, uncle's daughter, grew up from 5'7" to 5'10" between 18-19. On r/Television they're asking about large physical changes that happened with actors from 1 season to the next and it made me think about Chris Colfer's height growth spurt. (Wildly abnormal just like my height I know) But I know plenty people shorter than myself that had growth spurts so bad they have stretch marks on their back. 5 years. For example I stopped growing at 12 after a ~18 month growth spurt and went from 5'3" to 5'11". Feb 22, 2024 · Typical Timing of Growth Spurts During Puberty. just wanted to see if anyone was just like me. The pain associated with growth spurts like these can be immense but I hit 6' around 12 and then had a couple of small spurts until I was ~19 when I hit my final height of 6'4". Therefore, during this period types of training that heavily load the joints should be reduced, e. I'd be worried if it was more dramatic growth, or if you were experiencing corresponding foot or body growth (they tend to not grow at the same time, and it's my understanding that feet quit first). It was more just a linear increase in height over time with my height topping out at just under 6’3" at age 18-19ish. No wonder my old clothes didn't fit. I have grown to 6'1" or 6'2" at a rate of about an inch per year since then. Dec 28, 2013 · I was always a big, tall kid and really did not have (so far as I can recall) a big “growth spurt” in my mid teen years. Couldn't grow a beard until I was 19. 21 votes, 34 comments. I was diagnosed at 13, so the timing was perfect. 7 barefoot has my ultimate We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My sister is also a similar height as u and I thought it made sense that I was like 5’6 and she is 5’1 but now I’m 6’3 so I’m thinking at least she’d be 5’4 or smthn. I've seen siblings born to tall dad and short mothers where one child is tall like the dad and the other child short like his mom. Can someone confirm if it is possible that I could have another growth spurt? My parents are 6' 2" and 5' 7" respectively, and my grandfathers are 6' 4" and 6' 3". I think most the the people talking about those insane late growth spurts are just larping or haven't measured themselves and are just guessing. I've currently had 3 growth spurts and I'm expected to have another sometime during my college days as my family has a history of late growth spurts. I imagine the producers cast him with the idea that he'd stay cute and little because he was already 18 and that must have been a shock when he shot up. I hit puberty when I was 14 and my first growth spurt ended when I was 16 (I grew 3. So add 5 inches to your moms height and add that to your dads height and then divide by two. Though they are not the primary hormone to make you grow. From 16-18 I went from like 5’5” to 5’10” and from 18-20 I went up to 6’0” and from 21-23 I went to 6’3” (w/ shoes). Thanks again. avoid too much explosive jumping and bounding and do not train with heavy weights I don't wanna miss out this opportunity. So r/tall, tell me about your late growth spurts! Edit: As of 2020, I have not grown past 5 foot 11. As for the question in your post, most people are short before their growth spurts, otherwise they wouldn’t be called growth spurts. And the growth plates of the vertebrae in the spine don't seem to close the same way they do in the other long bones in the body; it could be that late growth havers get most or all of their growth in their spine rather than in say the leg or hip bones, because it seems like in the Hi guys, this is going to be my first thread on reddit. never had a growth spurt other than one i had at the very start of puberty which gave me about 3-4inches in one year. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. 2 cm I would be very happy then I would be 185. I am from a family where late growth spurts are pretty common. 5 in senior year myself, wondering if there’s a pattern to getting a bit of a growth spurt again after 18. I had a late puberty, so that may have played a part. Got measured and I, apparently, grew an inch. Ive got a just-under-6 month old labrador, and when we got him as a pup he was the largest of his littermates. Granted it wasn't 3 inches but I was happy regardless. Now, I recently started my freshman year of college (I took a year off after high school to work and also because I didn't feel emotionally ready for college). Second you still have time to 24 years to grow, late growth spurts can happen, though don't count on them. Also Things like posture do help make you look taller than you are. The basic way to estimate your adult height is to take the average of your dads height and your moms height if she were a guy. Not my biggest growth spurt but my most surprising was between 24 and 29. After 21, it's very unlikely any future growth will occur. True-ish but yeah, a lot of factors matter. Hoping I can at least get another inch in to cement it. Ask away! But having growth spurts when you are 23+ feels very unlikely and not so believable to me personally. Your growth spurt is just a part of puberty Why do most people have a two-year growth spurt with 3-4 inches each but I only had one year? I've heard late growth spurt result in a late stopping of growth. Spending more time in puberty doesn’t mean that you’ll be taller than Anyone else have a puppy who was pretty set in their weight from 4-6 months and then experience a massive growth spurt around 7/8 months? I can’t keep food in my puppy, he’s growing so fast. Malnutrition is a classic example of a cause for slowed/no growth periods and then a ‘catch-up’ growth spurt when nutrition is restored. I am currently 5’10. I'm only 5'10, and I dont feel tall at all. I've not been growing since about 16, I probably stopped growing since I was a smoker, I still smoke but not as much (I'm going to quit soon, i've been utting down). Ive always been growing 2-2. I’ve been having this thought a lot in the last year or two and wonder if others agree. My projected height was actually about 6 foot 7, so (based on my parents' late growth spurts) I'm expecting to have mine within the next few years. As I said earlier the latest growth that happens at least in males is around 25 with an average around 15, which is even earlier for females. I started puberty at around 16 (relatively late) and was 5ft 3. I hit 5'6" in 8th grade and never grew since. Context: I was 5' 5" until about two years ago when I noticed that I was a bit taller. I mean I started growing facial hair by 13 when most boys start growing it around 15/16. UPVOTES FOR. May I ask if you grew anytime in senior year of high school? I grew from 5’7 to 5’8. There's no end to genetic variance, I guess. g. Fair enough, yeah it seems that your family are just late growers. Is he going to just be smaller, or could there be another growth spurt upcoming? I had a late growth spurt, especially rare for girls. I work with other dogs and she’s been… 3 inches and onward sounds like a late-growth spurt to me dude! Typically, most growth spurts range from 4-6 inches in longitudinal bone growth before reaching what's known as peak height velocity. I felt like I had the biggest growth spurt during year 5-6 (like 11 or 12). I started puberty very late (approx. I was 12 and 4'10 and now I'm 17 and just below 5'9 (With shoes I'm below 5'9. 11 votes, 22 comments. then over-ate 2 years to compensate for They don’t but those growth plates can still be open in your early 20s although it’s not common. )) Archived post. ALL OF . Think puberty, birth control pills, pregnancy, that sort of thing. My lack of growth from 11-13 was the reason for my diagnosis. late growth spurt can you have a late growth at early puberty because i have been 5,8 since Im 16 right now, and I'm a dude. Some races enter puberty earlier, causing their growth spurt to come earlier but their growth plates to also fuse earlier, leading to shorter adult height despite being taller as kids from their earlier growth spurt. Make sure you get proper nutrients. Aug 8, 2021 · Since your puberty started earlier, you had an earlier growth spurt than your friends, who kept growing at a steady rate until they hit puberty. Unless you count two inches a year for 6 years straight a “growth spurt”, I never had a “growth spurt. Do you workout, or have you spent a lot of time in bed recently? That’s great bro. My dad was 5'9" and a size 11 in shoes his senior year of high school. 5 inches per year ever since and normally i hear that if you dont get a growth spurt and just grow nornally youre gonna end up growing until your early 20s to balance out with all the kids that had growth spurts but not only have i finished growing, I ended up stopping about 2-3 years before everyone else, thats even Players I've found to also have a had growth spurt 13 inches - Dwight Howard from 5'8″ to 6'9″ in one year 12 inches - Jeremy Lin 5'3″ to 6'3″ in his junior year 10 inches - Manu Ginobili in late teens. Started happening to me in 6th grade and into high school. im 16 nearly 17 170cm tall my voice deepened last year and i can grow minor facial (dirt mustache) which means that i have had a growth spurt and will stop soon according to articles online because having these features your puberty is ended even tho i started exactly 2. I also have been researching on growth spurts and heard that you could be having pains in your legs and very high arousals, which I have been having the last few weeks, in fact much more arousals than I even had when I had a really bad porn addiction, but I think this might have to do with the fact I have been exploring much more sex related I wasn't diagnosed until 16 but had symptoms as early as 8. I did not hit 5 foot till 15-16 years old. The body tends to prepare Doesn't seem to do that in everyone, or rather there are other people who've grown in height into their 30s. My uncle grew 6 inches in his 20's, and most other guys on my dad's side grew at least a couple inches in college. Just gradual growth I think, you actual growth spurt will be faster like a week or 2 week and you will gain more than 2 inches probably This is good, because your want your growth spurts to be big, as you only get 2 or 3 majorZ Also why do we never talk about how naruto had this insane growth spurt at age 18-19?? Maybe Boruto can pray for the same treatment. This depends on your genetic potential and your bones' sensitivity to these hormones. I’m a late bloomer and have only ever grown 2 inches a year max since I was 12-13. There may be some exceptions, but that's the general rule. Often exaggerating this discrepancy is the physiologic relative “growth hormone deficiency” that occurs before the onset of the pubertal growth spurt. Started having similarly painful shin splints about a month ago. Definitely missed out on some key growth as a child. All natural genes for me, I have really tall great grandparents (All over 5'11" except for little nan at 4'4") and a tall father which helped it all along nicely. I’m currently 23 and was definitely a late bloomer in regards to height/puberty as I didn’t have my growth spurt till I was 15-16 and was one of the short kids during the first 3 years of high school (the nature of which are some very formative years). Since then it's been steady changes that I've noticed because some milestone or situations that I noticed that my boobs couldn't do before, or due a yearly tracking my doctor also does. 5, so there's always hope. Third if you are truly, really worried about your height, I suggest going to your doctor, checking your growth plates and evaluate the possibility of medical assistance. I was extremely short at about ~4'10" until I was 13, then had a massive growth spurt that put me around 5'5" after two years, before topping off at 3 inches more when I hit 20. Growth hormone deficiency (GH deficiency) is a growth disorder related to the hormones that control growth. I grew 5 inches from 13 and 15. I was a late bloomer, and most of my height has come gradually, but predominantly from ages 14-17. 47M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Try Vitamin E cream on the stretch marks, that will help the pain and reduce later scarring. Why am I not like that? In HK, the growth curve states I'm at around the Lower Quartile of heights, but why am I almost the shortest in my form? (I remember I am around the shortest 5%). Thought my growth plates were meant to have long fused by now considering I'm turning 29 in a few months but noticed I've grown about 3/4 of an inch over the last 1. My growth was definitely not linear and more in spurts. Well people, you see right now I am 19 and my height is 6'6 (199 basically). It then slowed down to about a quarter inch per month. Hi everyone, this is my first post here I just searched reddit to find a sub reddit for this bu I'm having a growth spurt at 23. That explained why my pants had stopped fitting and I was struggling to find pants, it didn't occur to me that I had grown. 1. Lots of calcium, protein, vitamin C, etc. 5 cm since the last year). I'm experiencing slight back pain, knee pain specifically inside the right knee, and intense appetite. 44M subscribers in the AskReddit community. I pegged out at 6'5" 1/4 at 17 when I graduated HS, my cousin a year younger than I in grade and age was already 6'6" at that time, he then graduated the following year and went to College to play Div II Ball, had another growth spurt during his freshman year and ended up at 6'11/ 7Ft. But at the same time be ready to deal with the fact that you may have reached your maximum. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Im still 15 182 and have a problems with acne, i got acne when im late 13 and got a huge growth spurt Yep. He decided to give basketball another chance when he hit another growth spurt after graduating high school and working as a janitor. I feel too average. I had my big growth spurt between 13 and 16, and I got my period when I was 12. This also kinda shows kawaki is probably a bit older than Boruto since it seems that kawaki already hit that growth spurt Growth spurts are a part of normal development, and it's completely typical for adolescents to grow 3-4 inches in a year during a growth spurt. I basically finished growing in height around 15 but my penis kept growing and went through a massive voice break when I was 18. 4. I'm a pretty late bloomer at 18 (still in puberty) but I've only grown from 5'0-5'1 at 15 to just 5'4. However, I hit puberty at ten-years-old and am often mistaken for being several years younger than I am. It can happen, my dad was about my height (5'4") until he was 18-19 then hit a growth spurt and grew to 5'11". By the age of 12 or 13 I could sport a moustache. Got measured when I just turned 21 and I was a bit over 6'11". You Gain Weight. I had my growth spurt when I was 10 or 11. I'm around 180 centimeters tall and I'm right now 18 years old. They examined my growth plates and they were super openthere i was 16 years old with a bone age of a 10 year old. Some people with have a series of short growth spurts throughout their live into their early 20's and some will have only one growth spurt that can last between months and years. This gives people fake hope. 5 years ago however my doctor says my bones haven't fully developed because the growth plates look similar to a 14 year old. Conversely, my younger brother consistently beat the height markers that I set by 1 or 2 inches. If you would like to answer the question, please reply to the pinned automod post. I had a late growth spurt between 19-21. It's possible to have a late growth spurt, but change of posture is likely at play. Intensive physical training can also lead to some aspects of puberty being delayed, especially in the instance of very low I've read that people who hit puberty early tend to end up shorter than average due to their growth plates closing earlier. I'd just wait for your annual doctor's check-up and ask him your lifetime growth patterns to see where you fall in terms of height growth overall. Lots of people have late growth spurts. Looking back, I'm thinking this may have been the cause of my shortness. I'm 17 and I'm a late Bloomer. Your wrists are x-rayed to see if your growth plates have closed. My wife is a weird case: Measured in at 5'7" at senior high and stopped growing, lol. For several years I told everyone I was 6'4". Think about it first though. Most guys are capable of growing 1-2 inches after 18, and late bloomers can grow even more after 18. But I'm also 5'10. The GH system becomes less robust in late childhood in anticipation of the pubertal hormones taking View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. Same. Probably 14 or 15. On the plus side, I went through the awkward chubby stage before middle school, which was pretty sweet. This is my 20 week/5 month old girl Amiya. Thanks for the reply Everyone. Is it possible that I get another growth spurt? I feel bad about my height. But yeah, aside from height, where I sort of had one constant growth spurt from grade six to grade ten, I was a late bloomer. 5 inches taller). Early bloomers who got late growth spurts? I am a 17 year old boy wondering if anyone got a I went from 5'8" at 19 to 6'3" at 21, everybody grows at different rates, I happened to be a late bloomer. i’m a very active and healthy kid who exercises a lot, however i do vape so i don’t know if Friend hit a late growth spurt So I'm 19 and I'm a little bit over 5'5", maybe 5'5. Ofc. Just curious if there is anyone having a uncommon growth after being an "adult". ” I was 5’8” in 6th grade and 6’8” at the tail end of my senior year. I am curious about this and whether my experience is typical or not. /r/tall: reddit from a higher perspective. 5 is perfect. Or check it out in the app stores It is very possible to have a late growth spurt. Those were fun times. Some men never have a growth spurt. I read that semi average tall people around my height have a growth spurt in adolescence and then grow normally until about 18-21~. 6. I have a relative who is 6'2, he had the majority of his growth spurt in late high school and early college. Your pain is normal, means you're growing a lot. 5 cm in morning and 1. Reply reply I stopped growing at 15-16. I hit a growth spurt in my early 20s, and grew from 5'11" to over 6'1". Standing at 5’8. And I'm looking forward to I was very short in high school, much shorter than all of my friends. It really does that, it's happening to me at 22, gaining height, weight and body hair. If it is a Ive always been small and had late growth spurts for as long as i can remember due to adhd pills im guessing, my mom is 4’11 and my dad is 5’9 and his family is tall and had late growth spurts. Eventually, they will be able to catch up to the height of their friends. Will I just never hit a growth spurt. And remember, at 19, even if the world says grow up, you're still kind of a kid, at least physiologically. The signs of late growth spurt are similar to those of normal growth spurt. 3M subscribers in the NoStupidQuestions community. I destroyed my sleep cycle since I was 15, overtraining since 16 (thinking maybe it could tire me to sleep, 100 pushups and pullups twice a day), then left everything became anorexic (complete starvation with some chips and wafers in between) for 2 years since 18. I really wish I was 6'0, or ideally 6'1. Is it totally unheard of to have a growth spurt at 22? Yes these could cause growth later, but later is a relative term. And the fact that I have not had a growth spurt kind of led me to believe maybe I am a slow grower/late bloomer. Therefore, many pediatric endocrinologists may offer a brief course of testosterone to "jump-start" puberty. Giannis was listed as approximately 6’7”-6-‘8” when he got drafted and now is probably a legit 7 footer tbh but if you really want to he exact 6’11” and that growth spurt happened after he got drafted which is surreal. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Just wondering what is considered an early growth spurt for boys, I had mine at 13 and just wanting to know if that was early, average or late. However, late-maturing boys are often impatient to start growing and do not want to wait another 6-18 months for the pubertal growth spurt to start naturally. Most of my growth was at 14 and a half or so, much later than many girls who reach adult height at 11 or 12. My father had a decent growth spurt I’m told at around age 13 and then again at 16 and then 18. You only have one body. My voice dropped a year later at 5ft 6 and tiny bits of facial started to come in half a year later at around 5ft 7 so i thought i had stopped growing. 92 votes, 10 comments. I had no muscle, no coordination, and no flexibility. Then in my 29th year I went in for a physical and I measured 6'7". I dont want to be any taller than 6'1 though. I did not grow when I was 18 so is it possible that I'm having a late growth spurt? I'm also weightlifting, running, MMA, and stretching throughout this period so that can be the cause but I don't think so. Like, I went on a three week camp trip and when I came back I was noticeably taller. And you're taking time from the sick who may be dying and need the X ray as soon as possible. Dad was about 6' 1", mom was around 5' 8", and his sister was 5' 8" as well. 2 cm now Thank God I am now 187. Had ungodly painful shin splints throughout my youth during every growth spurt I ever had. I have seen that most people hit growth spurts and grow like 4+ inches in a year. And my older brother who was 5'9" at 16 is now 6'4" at 21. I don't know exactly when or why it happened but I had a late growth Possibly. Once growth plates are fused growth stops, this happens long before the 30s and 40s even in the case of very late puberty. Listen to your body. I thought I was done growing at 6'4" when I was 19. Also at what age did you have your late growth spurt, and how much height did you gain? I would just really like to know what my chances of getting another growth spurt at my age, thanks. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. As measured by a medical professional I was 5'9" at 19, and I was 5'11" at 21. XD I was skinny, gangly, and awkward. Especially if you have a nerd neck, hunched shoulders, flat feet and or hip rotation It's not unusual to keep growing past age 19. Young but elevated! A subreddit for tall teenagers to chat with others, ask… During the growth spurt, all of the body's joints are very sensitive to loading. 174K subscribers in the tall community. Did you already have ur period by the time u had the growth sopurt? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A subreddit for tall-related topics. You do have these guys occasionally that have the really late, huge growth spurt. I am right now just 3 months away from turning 18 and I have not grown significantly (Only almost 1. I've never had a growth spurt but I just grew really steadily like a linear graph, which is pretty different from others that have growth spurts and grow larglely in a short perioid of time. Kinda late but I cant put a precise age on it. I was 6ft throughout high school and once I started college I hit a massive growth spurt. Was told by my GP that I should be several inches taller, but growth was stunted by crohns. Also, I would recommend starting to workout as well. I also had a cousin nearly a year younger than I who after not seeing him for several months jumped like over half a foot in height and was almost unrecognizable but it was strange because he grew in overall size and height but still had a bit of a Unless you hit puberty really late you're done is the general rule for all the folks that are over 16 and asking if they'll grow more. 44M subscribers in the AskReddit community. My initial growth spurt put me up to about 5'8" at 15 years. But im only 5'10. Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever… 2 days ago · What Are the Signs of a Late Growth Spurt? Some teenagers do start the growth spurt later than their peers, but there is not something to worry about. I was 5'8" at 9! I did have a late growth spurt but it wasn't much. I don't know If I've had my growth spurt yet I'm gonna be 14 in 2 months im 5'10 (178cm) I've grown 3 inches in 3 years ? Have I had mine? What height will I end up ? I've heard a few rare stories of people having growth spurts well into their mid twenties, and so I was curious if anyone else has grown taller past puberty? ((plus, I'm a desperate shorty~ haha. According to the predicted height calf, i should be 5’10 ish so i’m confused, my dad had a fairly late growth spurt and i don’t know if growth spurt timing is genetic. I was 5'1" - 2" in the beginning of 2019, with my growth accelerating to one inch per month in summer. I was 6'9" when I graduated high school at age 18 and thought that was it. Also, for someone your age, 8 hours of sleep is usually recommended. He has some pretty crazy stretch marks from it! I never hit that same growth spurt but my grandfather is the same height as me, so I decided to take after him and get jacked. Op saying you don’t grow after 18 is hilarious. She’s about 14 inches tall and weighs 15 lbs. This condition involves the pituitary gland, the small gland at the base of the brain that makes growth hormone along with other hormones. He however was all if 5' 2" all the way through high school. . 22 y/o female. I never did. Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever you want. But again, the human maturing process is just a randomized mess. Irradiating yourself and wasting the doctor's, technicians, and staff's time, tying up the machines, and then either raising your health insurance premiums or wasting hard earned cash for knowledge you'll find out sooner or later anyway. (Knee pains, circulation problems) but now i have additional headaches. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now For example someone whose father had a late growth spurt, is it possible that the same will be I’m nearly 16 and 5’7. Was 5'11 before and now pushing a weak 6'0. Does anyone have an eskimo that had a late growth spurt (after a year old)? My eskie’s mom is 25lbs and dad was 27 lbs. My dad is 6’0 and my mum is 5’5 ish. mvkyagj zqib szcovhj sze mmh ozpzeblu ttebxy diodg efwxj zvqc